Day 3. Camp Chapparal 07/8/19

            This very morning, I woke up and the weather was a lot cooler than it had been for the past couple of nights, when I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was the mist along the sides of the tent, at that moment I realized that it most definitely was colder than the past mornings had been. Whether or not I wanted to get out of bed that morning, I did it anyways. I began the morning by doing my everyday morning routine, brushing my teeth, using the restroom, and attempting to clean my face, then walked over to the main campground area were everyone else was. Before breakfast I started with a cup of black tea with no sugar, plain black hot tea just how I like it, then continued with chocolate chip pancakes that one of the teams made. Breakfast continued and rapidly ended, I sat by the fire and thought about life, I thought about how lucky I was to have had to opportunity to come on the trip and thought about how I’m am going to appreciate the things I have a lot more when I get home. Today we traveled to potato hill which was about 30 minutes from where we were camping, as we arrived to potato hill we began planning out which groups would go up together, well I was with the slower group. After being scared away by rattle snake eggs Me, Monet, and Maria decided it would be best to go back down meaning we never actually made it up to the top of potato hill. Although we never made it to the top of the hill the view following the hike was more than just beautiful and worth all the sweat and tears.. okay there was never really any tears but at some points I really did feel like crying. After all the sweat and tears we finally made it back to the bottom of the hill, although I had experienced multiple hikes like this one before I was still so proud of myself for making it through. Getting back to the bottom of the hill all I could think about was my lunch, I was HUNGRY! I really don’t know why I was so excited about sandwiches because we’re going to be eating them for the next two weeks… yeah that’s not exciting whatsoever.


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