Day 10. Deschutes 07/15/19

Today is day 10, we’re getting closer and closer to being on our way back home and as bad as this may sound, I CANNOT WAIT! We’ve had so many adventures days and one of my favorite days was today, we had the opportunity to help the united states forest services, we helped them count the number of Green Tinged Paintbrush plants. We spent most of our day helping them count plants and the reason we helped them do that was because the green tinged paintbrush plants are only found in central Oregon, which means those plants aren’t found anywhere else around the world! I found that quite amazing, I found it even more amazing that I got the opportunity to partake in such astonishing event. Charmane Powers and Marlo Fishers were our guides through the flagging of the Green tinged paintbrush plant flagging, they explained to us that 20 years ago in 1994, the plant count was 87 and after counting the plants today we had a total of 414, which is quite amazing seen as how they’re not very common and only found in central Oregon. While walking through the shrubs and flagging plants we ran into a couple interesting things, one of those things was a Pandora Moth which was literally getting attacked by ants, I attempted to help the moth out but was immediately told that those moths don’t live very long and was probably already on its way out.  After spending about 5 hours helping Charmane and Marlo out, we rounded up into the vans and headed out. The drive back was quite long, felt like it was never ending but around an hour into the drive we stopped at A national monument of obsidian flow, which was more than just outstanding, I had never seen so much obsidian in my life.


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